Die Geschichte, die ich hier erzähle, kann nur schlecht verifiziert werden, wäre ich offizielle Presse, würde ich wahrscheinlich nicht darüber berichten, aber für einen Blogger gelten meines Erachtens lockerere Regeln.
Es fing damit an, dass Vladislav Palling, ein Aktivist der Partei der Völker Estland, einer neugegründeten Partei, die angetreten ist, die Interessen der Minderheiten in Estland zu vertreten, aber noch nie bei einer Wahl teilgenommen hat, einen offenen Brief geschrieben und es an einige US-amerikanische Medien als auch an Donald Trump geschickt hat.
Dear Donald Trump! Dear the next President of the United States of America!
My name is Vladislav Palling, I'm a citizen of the Republic of Estonia. One of Your associates called it by St. Petersburg's suburb. I and tens of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in Estonia are very happy to see Your victory. It remains to be issued just officially. Please accept our sincere congratulations on Your great success. I am sure that this achievement will benefit not only the United States but all over the world.
For my country of Your victory has a huge importance. For a long time the leadership of my country strongly escalated the situation on the borders of NATO and Russia. It made it trying to please the previous White house administration. It made not only my government, but the establishment of many other border NATO countries. I am sure that Your election to the post of President of the United States will help to keep the peace for many years.
Certainly some of Your statements were perceived in Estonia not very friendly. So, You offered to resettle the residents of Estonia to Africa and Africans in Estonia. The reason, in Your opinion, was the provocative policy of the previous government of the Republic of Estonia (and also Latvia and Lithuania) against the Russian Federation. I believe that Your election to the post of President of the United States of America will stop such attacks from the government of my country. However it will happen if You follow your campaign promises, which I sincerely hope.
Some time ago there was created the project of the Party of the peoples of Estonia in my country. The concept of this party involves the struggle for the separation of Estonia from NATO for the sake of maintaining peace and stability, as well as the good of Estonia. In light of the fact that You repeatedly called NATO "outmoded", the views of the Party of Estonian peoples and Your to some extent are coinciding.
I and my associates are nice to see by the President one of the leading countries of the world, not another professional politician but a man of action, a man who knows how to count money. You have proven in practice that are fundamentally different from Your predecessors. We believe that Your election would usher in a new era in the history of America.
I and lots of other people hope that You will be President for all Americans or, at least, for most of them. Every reasonable person interested in united and strong, but peaceful America. Believe that You will be able to unite the nation and become the true President of peace, not war.
In conclusion, I would like to say that for You in Estonia was going through everyone I know. The woman I love Julia, her kids, mine and her parents, my sister and many other dear people to me.
Sincerely Yours,
Vladislav Palling, the citizen of the Republic of Estonia of the Russian ancestry.
Kurz darauf bekam Vladislav einen Anruf vom Ex-Premierminister Mart Laar, der nach dem Sinn der Aktion fragte und dann die Verschiedenheit ihrer Ansichten über die bessere Zukunft Estlands konstatierte. Auch warnte er Vladislav, dass sein Brief keine Resonanz weder in der estnischen, noch in der amerikanischen Presse finden wird.
Vladislav wurde von New York Times und National Public Radio kontaktiert. Der Redakteur der NYT Edward Bader versprach den Brief abzudrucken, was aber noch nicht geschah, NPR nahm ein einstündiges Interview und verwendete Ausschnitte daraus.
Am 25. November bekam Vladislav eine Email von der Adresse trump@trumporg.com:
Donald Trump trump@trumporg.com сегодня в 19:53 Вам: vladpalling@yandex.ru Hi Vladislav! Thank you for your letter. I read it with great pleasure. There were lots of good thoughts and questions in your letter. Unfortunately I don't have enough time but I want to tell you something. I promise that Estonia is safe. I and the President of Russia Putin will take care of it. We all need to think about the refugees from Asia and Africa. This is a really serious problem. I wish all the best to you and your party. Be the good guys. With the best wishes, Donald Trump.
Hier fangen Spekulationen an. Sollte diese Antwort echt sein und vom Trump selbst oder seiner engen Umgebung stammen, dann hätten wir hier den Effekt einer Atombombe über Toompea. Trump verspricht zusammen mit President Putin sich um Estland zu kümmern. Jeder Este denkt sofort an den Molotov-Ribbentrop Pakt, als zwei Weltmächte sich um das Estland „kümmerten“. Vielleicht hat Aodhán O'Riordáin aus Irland recht:
Nachdem Vladislav diese Email bekommen hat, fand auf sein Postfach eine Hackerattacke statt, die die Originalmail gelöscht hat. Deswegen, aber auch beim Durchlesen der sehr einfach formulierten Email, gibt es bei mir immer noch Zweifel, ob diese Email wirklich vom Trump oder seinen Helfern stammt.