Aus irgendeinem Grund ist die Kommentar-Funktion bei dem letzten Eintrag nicht aktiviert. Bitte Kommentare hier posten (Shortbread wartet schon).
6 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
BE AWARE that your flatmate kre-Tyron is in serious troubles as he's full of debts (up to ten thousand pfunds) and the credit agencies are serious about chasing him.
His habit of continuosly changing address won't work - next will come the police, prosecution and expulsion or injailment.
6 Kommentare:
BE AWARE that your flatmate kre-Tyron is in serious troubles as he's full of debts (up to ten thousand pfunds) and the credit agencies are serious about chasing him.
His habit of continuosly changing address won't work - next will come the police, prosecution and expulsion or injailment.
Just FYI, Tchuess
So, die Packung Shortbreads ist dann wohl mein. Bitte an die bekannte Adresse schicken.. ;-)
BWLer-PS: Die 4. Woche ist überfaellig!
An Thomas:
Du musst schon die Wettbewerbsbedingungen lesen, ich habe was von "sinnvollem Kommentar" geschrieben. Das Wettbewerb geht also weiter ;-)
@just for your information:
no shortbread for you as well, sorry you anonymous coward.
Rada e-mailu. Nu tebja i zakinulo:)
Horosho ustroitsja na novom meste,
privet s Münchena!
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